Affiché(s) 1 - 15 de 85 résultats
J-Bert High-Performance BERT; 64 GBaud
High-Performance BERT; 120 Gbaud
Arbitrary Waveform Generator; 256 GSa/s
J-BERT High-Performance BERT
Analyzer Module, 32/64 GBaud, Error Detector
Interference Source Module, 1-slot AXIe, 32 GHz
Error Detector Remote Head; 32 and 17 Gb/s
Pattern Generator Remote Head; 32 and 17 Gb/s
BERTWave; Sampling Oscilloscope
SI Pulse Pattern Generator Module; 21G / 32G bit/s
Serial BERT 32 and 17 Gb/s
SI Error Detection Module, 21G/32G bit/s
Optical Electrical Clock Recovery
J-BERT High-Performance BERT Module 8.5/16Gb/s Generator Analyzer, 2-slot AXIe
Pulse Pattern Generator 12.5G
Affiché(s) 1 - 15 de 85 résultats
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