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S93011B enhanced time domain analysis with TDR provides a one-box solution for high-speed interconnect analysis, including impedance, S-parameters, and eye diagrams. S93011B is an enhancement of the S93010B time domain analysis software.
The software, running on the PNA-X / PNA / PNA-L Series B-model vector network analyzers, brings three breakthroughs for signal integrity design and verification: simple and intuitive operation, fast and accurate measurements, and high ESD robustness.
Key Features |
Up to 67 GHz of bandwidth with 6.66 ps rise time enables measurement on the latest high-speed serial standards |
Runs on all PNA series B-models with simple and intuitive operation inherited from ENA-TDR |
State-of-the art calibration techniques reduce measurement errors |
Automatic deskew ensures easy removal of fixture and probe effects |
Full calibration available for the utmost in measurement accuracy |
Specifications | ||
Application Software⁸ | ||
Software Overview | ||
Application Software⁸ | Description | Additional Information |
S93007B | Automatic fixture removal | -- |
S93010B | Time domain analysis | -- |
S93011B | Enhanced Time Domain Analysis with TDR | Provides TDR measurement class. S93010B is a subset of S93011B. |
S93015B | Real time S-parameter and power measurement uncertainty | Displays the measurement uncertainty dynamically (real-time) on the measurement trace |
S93025B | Basic pulsed-RF measurements | Includes control of internal pulse generators and provides pulse widths to 200 ns using wideband detection |
S93026B | Advanced pulsed-RF measurements | Includes control of internal pulse generators and provides pulse widths to 100 ns using wideband detection, and 20 ns using narrowband detection. |
S93027B⁸ | Add mechanical noise tuner control for noise figure/ parameter measurements | Provides ability to control Maury Microwave's LXI impedance tuners. Requires application software S93029B |
S93029B | Noise figure measurements with vector correction² | Standard receivers are used if hardware option N524xB-029 is not present |
S930317B | Phase noise measurement up to 70 GHz | Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) source is required. (S/N prefix 6021 or after, or upgraded unit with N52xxBU-2S7 or 4S7) |
S930321B | Phase noise measurement up to 125 GHz | This is for N5290A/91A or N5292A with N5293AX/95AX frequency extenders configuration. Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) source is required on PNA/ PNA-X (S/N prefix 6021 or after, or upgraded unit with N52xxBU-2S7 or 4S7) |
S930700B⁸ | Modulation distortion, up to 8.5 GHz | Requires test set option 22x or 42x |
S930701B⁸ | Modulation distortion, up to 13.5 GHz | Requires test set option 22x or 42x |
S930702B⁸ | Modulation distortion, up to 26.5 GHz | Requires test set option 22x or 42x |
S930704B⁸ | Modulation distortion, up to 43.5 GHz | Requires test set option 22x or 42x |
S930705B⁸ | Modulation distortion, up to 50 GHz | Requires test set option 22x or 42x |
S930707B⁸ | Modulation distortion, up to 70 GHz | Requires test set option 22x or 42x |
S93080B | Frequency-offset measurements | Provides ability to independently set the frequency of internal sources and receivers, and to configure external sources. This functionality is included withS93029/082/083/084/086/087/089/090x/093/094B |
S93082B | Scalar mixer/converter measurements | Provides SMC measurement class. S93082B is a subset of S93083B. |
S93083B | Vector and scalar mixer/converter measurements³ | Provides SMC+Phase and VMC measurement classes |
S93084B | Embedded-LO capability | Works with S93029/082/083/086/087B |
S93086B | Gain-compression measurements | -- |
S93087B | Intermodulation distortion measurements⁴ | -- |
S93088B | Source phase control | -- |
S93089B | Differential and I/Q device measurements | Requires a 4-port test set option (4xx) |
S930900B | Spectrum analysis, up to 8.5 GHz⁵ | -- |
S930901B | Spectrum analysis, up to 13.5 GHz⁵ | -- |
S930902B | Spectrum analysis, up to 26.5 GHz ⁵ | -- |
S930904B | Spectrum analysis, up to 43.5 GHz⁵ | -- |
S930905B | Spectrum analysis, up to 50 GHz⁵ | -- |
S930907B | Spectrum analysis, up to 70 GHz⁵ | -- |
S930909B | Spectrum analysis, up to 90 GHz⁵ | -- |
S93093B | Spectrum analysis, up to 120 GHz | -- |
S93094B | Spectrum analysis, beyond 120 GHz | -- |
S93110B⁸ | Active hot parameters | Export-controlled |
S93111B⁸ | Active hot parameters | Function-restricted version. The maximum operation is 50 GHz with N5247B |
S93118B | Fast CW measurements | -- |
S93460B | True-mode stimulus | Requires a 4-port test set option (4xx) |
S93551B | N-port measurements⁶ ⁷ | -- |
S94601B | Device measurement expert (DMX) | -- |
S94602B | Limit assistant | -- |
¹ Supported software license types: fixed-perpetual (1FP), transportable-perpetual (1TP), fixed-1-year (1FY), and transportable1-year (1TY) (note: S93093B, S93094B, S93898B, and S94510B have fixed-license types only).
² For N522xB and N5241/42/49B, vector-noise-corrected measurements require an ECal for use as an impedance tuner. For N5244/45/47B with Option 029, an internal tuner is included. Noise calibration requires a power meter when using a standard receiver. When using the low-noise receiver (Option 029), either a power meter or a 346-series noise source is required (Keysight 346C or 346C-K01 recommended). A power meter is required for measuring mixers and converters.
³ A configurable test set is required for VMC measurements to connect a reference mixer, or for SMC+Phase measurements using the comb-generator-based calibration. When ordered with PNA test set Options 200, 210, 400, or 410 (no front-panel jumpers), phase and delay measurements can only by done using SMC+Phase with a calibration mixer.
⁴ S93087B can be used without PNA-X Options 22x or 42x, but external equipment such as a signal generator and a combiner may be required.
⁵ A test set with internal receiver attenuators is recommended to avoid receiver compression when measuring large input signals.
⁶ When ordering a test set, select an appropriate interface kit.
⁷ When configured as a multiport analyzer using S93551B and a multiport test set, the combiner feature of Option 22x or 42x is temporarily disabled. When configured as a standalone analyzer, the combiner feature is enabled.
⁸ PNA-X models only.