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Please have the equipment manufacturer’s name, the model and the Electro Rent asset number (look for a white tag in the item). The asset number tells us the exact configuration of your unit.
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+32 (0)15 740 800Belgium@electrorent.com
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+44 20 84 200 200info.eu@electrorent.com
Rest of Europe
Generaal de Wittelaan 9 / 5-8, box 5A, 2800 Mechelen Belgium
+32 (0)15 740 800info.eu@electrorent.com
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+39 0 292 392 801infoitaly@electrorent.com
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+32 (0)15 740 800Belgium@electrorent.com
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+31 (0) 318 588 688netherlands@electrorent.com
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+44 20 84 200 200info.eu@electrorent.com